ACLU Requests Temporary Restraining Order to Protect Journalists Covering Protests of Police Brutality
Updated: 6/30/2020 at 7 p.m. to note our clients in this case.
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Updated: 6/30/2020 at 7 p.m. to note our clients in this case.
PORTLAND, Ore.—The American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Oregon and Braunhagey & Borden LLP filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of journalist
The Portland Police Bureau’s response to protest has been excessively violent and dangerous. We renew our call to end the use of chemical and impact weapons and flash bang devices against people who gather in Portland.
There are thousands of people in Oregon’s prisons who could be safely transitioned home to shelter with their loved ones, but instead are left trapped in a COVID-19 incubator and strapped with the burden of fighting for their constitutional rights to be safe,
SALEM--The first confirmed death in an Oregon prison from COVID-19 was reported today by the Oregon Department of Corrections.
Jann Carson, interim executive director of the ACLU of Oregon, had the following comment:
We applaud Oregon for closing our costly and cruel death row and moving to more humane and effective practices that keep prisoners and staff safe. Death row in Oregon is long-term solitary confinement that does not promote rehabilitation or accountability, nor does it make prisons safer.