Free Speech

The framers of the U.S. Constitution believed that the freedom of inquiry and liberty of expression were the hallmarks of a democratic society. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights provides protections in a number of areas including free speech.

Immigrants' Rights

The ACLU has been one of the nation’s leading advocates for the rights of immigrants, refugees and non-citizens, challenging unconstitutional laws and practices, countering the myths upon which these laws are based.

LGBTQ+ Rights

The ACLU has worked for equality and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people for over 75 years. We fight discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Police Practices

Police have the vital and difficult job of protecting public safety. Performing this job effectively does not require sacrificing civil liberties or civil rights. All Oregon police agencies, from the state patrol to city police forces, need to respect the rights of individuals while enforcing the law.

Privacy & Technology

Privacy and technology constitutional rights protect us from unwarranted government spying.

Racial Justice

The ACLU works to stop discrimination based on race and ethnicity and to ensure equal opportunities for communities of color. We fight racial bias and advance civil rights.