SB 1098: Freedom to Read
Students deserve to feel affirmed and welcome in Oregon public schools — and they should be free to read, learn and share ideas without fear of discriminatory censorship! SB 1098 would prevent book bans...
We strive to center our policy and advocacy work on the individuals and communities in Oregon who are the most marginalized and impacted by the systemic inequities of racism, xenophobia, misogyny, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, socioeconomic injustice, and other types of oppression.
These communities include Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities, immigrants and refugees, people with varying abilities and disabilities, LGBTQ+ communities, and people experiencing poverty and other socioeconomic injustices. We believe that each and every person has inherent dignity and value and that no person is disposable. We recognize that people are often disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppression based on their identity markers. We recognize that identity markers do not exist independently of each other and that each informs the others, often creating a complex convergence of oppression.
We seek to create real – not performative – public and community safety, wellness, and care through democratic values and processes that recognize, value, and are rooted in our fundamental civil liberties and civil rights.
Students deserve to feel affirmed and welcome in Oregon public schools — and they should be free to read, learn and share ideas without fear of discriminatory censorship! SB 1098 would prevent book bans...
Students deserve to feel affirmed and welcome in Oregon public schools — and they should be free to read, learn and share ideas without fear of discriminatory censorship! SB 1583 would prevent book bans...