
The State of Oregon’s 2021 legislative session wrapped in late June and we took a moment to take a breath and share our reflections with you in a report. In this report, we remember the incredible challenges we faced this year, celebrate the victories we achieved together, and underscore the important unfinished business that remains. 

A reflection that I continue to circle back to is the people power and strength we have as a community. As a supporter of our work, thank you for staying engaged throughout the session by following the progress of bills, advocating for our values to your legislators, and taking action. 

We invite you to read the report to see what our collective power accomplished.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021 - 7:00pm

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Legislative Session Report

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PORTLAND, Ore. -- A new report released by the ACLU of Oregon found that at least 40 percent of Oregon’s District Attorneys do not have internal written policies to guide their core work within the criminal justice system.

“District Attorneys are the most powerful actors in the criminal justice system and Oregon law provides DAs with enormous discretion to make decisions about who and how people are prosecuted,” said david rogers, executive director the ACLU of Oregon. “The lack of written policies among Oregon’s DA offices is deeply troubling, particularly when you consider the critical role DAs play in the justice system.”

The report: A Peek Behind the Curtain: Shining Some Light on District Attorney Policies in Oregon is the result of more than two years of research by the ACLU of Oregon. Research began in November 2016, when the ACLU of Oregon submitted public records requests to all 36 of Oregon’s district attorney offices in order to better understand what policies shaped their work.

As a result of these findings, the ACLU of Oregon is supporting HB 3224 in the 2019 Legislative Session. HB 3224 will create a basic standard for transparency and accountability for Oregon’s DA offices, requiring every district attorney to create policies for the core functions of their office and make them available to the public.

“This report is a call to action to Oregon’s legislature,” said rogers. “Oregonians deserve greater transparency and accountability in our criminal justice system. Mandating basic and transparent policies for every DA office is an essential step toward modernizing our justice system. Our state’s criminal justice system should reflect current best practices to improve outcomes for Oregonians. This shouldn’t be seen as a luxury.”

Other key findings from the report:

  • Only 13 DA offices demonstrated that they have a meaningful set of written policies for the core functions of their office, providing at least some guidance about how they and their staff are handling their core duties as prosecutors in Oregon.
  • A third of DA offices refused to respond to at least one of the ACLU of Oregon’s requests for basic information and did so in direct violation of the state’s public records law.
  • While 40 percent of the district attorney offices acknowledged they have no internal written policies, this number may be higher because several offices didn’t respond at all.
  • Several district attorneys shared disbelief that office policies are actually needed, making the argument that the law provides a sufficient guide to their work.
  • In one case, the ACLU learned that the Tillamook County District Attorney is intentionally working around a 2017 law that defelonized small-scale possession of drugs (House Bill 2355).

The ACLU of Oregon recommends that every district attorney office in Oregon have a basic set of policies that guide its core functions. These policies serve many critical purposes including:

  • To ensure there is continuity to how staff in DA offices prosecute people.
  • To set standards for behavior and expectations on critical issues where there is no guiding law.
  • To provide clarity of expectations and critical information for other justice system stakeholders, victims, defendants, and the public at large.
  • To create mechanisms of accountability for themselves and their staff to adhere to.
  • To clarify how a particular office will use its discretion based on the DA’s values, priorities, and understanding of the most effective public safety strategies.

“Policies that guide the work in district attorney’s offices matter,” said rogers. “The choices that individual DAs make about how their offices are run and how their prosecutors operate profoundly impact the lives of Oregonians.”

Research Records: The ACLU of Oregon has made available every document from the research available to the public here.



Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - 7:00am

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April 5, 2017 – Oregon cities and counties are making it a crime for people to be homeless. Our new report, Decriminalizing Homelessness: Why Right to Rest Legislation is the High Road for Oregon, shows that basic acts of survival are being criminalized all across the state. 

Our research found that Oregon's most populous cities and counties have 224 laws that criminalize necessary life-sustaining activities like sitting, lying, resting, or eating in public. When someone has nowhere else to do these things, fines, fees, and a criminal record only further entrench them in homelessness. Oregonians living on the street are forced to make impossible choices to go about their daily lives.

Do I sleep in the park and violate the camping ban, or do I trespass onto private property? Where can I go to the bathroom? Where can I set my stuff down without attracting attention from the police?

Homelessness and housing are a growing problem in Oregon.

Oregon has seen the third-highest increase in homelessness nationwide, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In 2015, HUD counted 13,100 adults and children experiencing homelessness in Oregon. Of those Oregonians experiencing homelessness, HUD found one in ten was a military veteran, one in seven was identified as having a serious mental illness, one in five reported being a victim of domestic violence, and nearly one-in-three were families.

And the numbers are likely even larger than the HUD count reveals. For example, the Oregon Department of Education counted 21,340 K-12 students who experienced homelessness at some point in the 2015-16 academic year. The HUD count also does not capture people who are “couch surfing” or temporarily living with friends or relatives.

Criminalizing homelessness will not solve Oregon’s housing crisis.

Rather than focusing on solutions, cities and counties in Oregon have hundreds of ordinances on the books that make it a crime or a violation for homeless people to go about their daily lives. Local governments should focus on solving the root causes of homelessness and poverty, instead of directing all their resources towards criminalizing homeless people.

Our report suggests humane solutions, including the Right to Rest Act - HB 2215, currently before the Oregon legislature. The Right to Rest Act will protect people who are homeless from laws that prevent rest and other life-sustaining activities. But time is running out for Oregon legislators to take action. 


Download Decriminalizing Homelessness: Why Right to Rest Legislation is the High Road for Oregon

Executive Summary

Full Report



Wednesday, April 5, 2017 - 6:45pm

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