2024 Elections

The following values-based questions guide the ACLU of Oregon, Inc.’s organizational positions on local and state ballot initiatives

  • How does the measure directly advance the ACLU of Oregon, Inc.’s commitment to the civil liberties and civil rights fundamental to our democracy? 
  • How does the measure directly advance equity, racial and gender justice, and equity and justice for all historically disenfranchised and marginalized groups and identities? 
  • Are impacted communities leading and centered by the measure in ways that advance their civil liberties and civil rights?

With these values in mind, the ACLU of Oregon, Inc. endorses "YES" votes on the following ballot measures:


Impeachment of Elected State Executives

a photgraph of the Oregon State Capitol building

What does a “yes” vote do? 

A “yes” vote supports adding a new section to the Oregon Constitution to allow the Oregon State Legislature to impeach and remove elected state executives, including the governor, secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer, and commissioner of labor and industries. This constitutional amendment would require a two-thirds vote in the House to impeach an elected state executive, and a two-thirds vote in the Senate to convict and remove the official from office. The House could initiate impeachment proceedings only for "malfeasance or corrupt conduct in office, willful neglect of statutory or constitutional duty, or other felony or high crime." The Chief Justice of Oregon Supreme Court would oversee an impeachment trial.

Why does the ACLU of Oregon, Inc. endorse a “yes” vote on Measure 115?

In all states except Oregon, the state legislature can impeach the governor and other state executives. In most states, the process is similar to that used for impeachments of presidents at the federal level. Oregon’s process under Measure 115 would be similar to that used by most states and the federal government.

In America’s recent history, we have seen the dangers of expecting all politicians to abide by common practice and decorum — some refuse to do it. However, when an elected official engages in conduct that constitutes malfeasance or corrupt conduct in office, willful neglect of statutory or constitutional duty, or other felony or high crime, our democracy is best served by a constitutionally-articulated process for removing that official from office.

We encourage the ACLU community to vote “yes” on Measure 115 because no one — including elected officials — should be above the law.

Resources for more information:

Measure 115 on Ballotpedia.org


Ranked Choice Voting

Two African American people voting at their kitchen table

What does a “yes” vote do? 

A “yes” vote supports implementing ranked choice voting for primary and general elections in Oregon, beginning in 2028, for the following federal and state elected positions: president, U.S. senator, U.S. representative, governor, secretary of state, attorney general, state treasurer, and commissioner of labor and industries.

Why does the ACLU of Oregon, Inc. endorse a “yes” vote on Measure 117?

Oregon has a rich history of being a leader in elections, democracy, and civil liberties. We have the opportunity to continue this tradition of democratic innovation by bringing ranked choice voting to the ballot.

Examples of our state’s proactive leadership in election reform include:

  • Establishing direct democracy via ballot measures, in which Oregonians have a tool to get on the ballot the issues that everyday people care about.
  • Automatic voter registration, in which Oregonians don’t have to jump through multiple hoops to get registered to vote.
  • Statewide mail-in voting, in which Oregonians can be assured that they don’t have to wait for hours in long poll lines.

This November, we have an opportunity to continue our state’s history of democratic innovations — and help make Oregon strong and solutions oriented — by voting Yes on Measure 117.

Increasingly, elections across the country are divisive and chaotic, and extremist politicians are pushing for unfair, inhumane, and, frankly, strange government actions that endanger our basic freedoms and rights. Voting Yes on Measure 117 will give power back to the people and bring more fairness and cooperation to our elections and democracy. That’s because ranked choice voting allows us to vote for leaders who are accountable to our communities and real solutions, not special interests and false promises.

We encourage the ACLU of Oregon community to vote “yes” on Measure 117 because it gives everyday Oregonians the power to vote for candidates who represent their values and communities without wasting their vote.

Resources for more information:

Measure 117 on Ballotpedia.org

Yes on 117 website

Voting Tools and Resources

From our friends at Common Cause

A group of diverse young people smiling and holding buttons that read "vote"

The freedom to have your voice heard is about determining the future for our families, communities, and country. Use these secure, free voting tools to register to vote, check your registration status, request an absentee ballot, and more.

Common Cause Voting Tools

The ACLU of Oregon, Inc. does not endorse or oppose candidates for elected office. We encourage the ACLU community to review candidates’ positions and records on civil liberties and civil rights issues. You can learn more here.